Wednesday, August 22, 2018

#2095 "Mallorytown Landing Cumulus"

Started 1:45 pm Wednesday May 9th, 2018.
Someone wanted a demonstration on how to handle the clouds. The cumulus clouds continued to develop along the east to west line well to the south of the St Lawrence. A subtle convergence line in the lower atmosphere is all that it takes to focus such activity. The clouds were quite vigourous in the warm and moist unstable air mass. It was actually a very hot day for early May.

This was a smooth and slippery surface and a lot of fun demonstrating how one might try to capture the quickly changing clouds. The other goal was to convince them that you could mix the correct value or colour, lay it in and leave it. There is really no need to polish the brush stroke. Leave the stroke alone and let it breath vitality into the art. I try every approach that can be imagined to find the one that might connect with the attendees.
The black flies and midges were out but nothing was biting. It was a beautiful day and thank you to the Thousand Islands Fine Art Association for believing the forecast and moving the planned outing one day ahead in order to avoid the cold front, rain and winds of Thursday. That forecast verified very well.
 For this and much more art...

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