Wednesday, September 12, 2018

#2115 "Southampton Jet Stream Cirrus"

The group from the Southampton Art School's Wind Waves and Weather 2018 planned to spend the final day at the beach. The cirrostratus became better organized as the morning progressed. One very elongated band was evidence of the main jet stream which meant the surface front was to the south where the analysis said it would be. The jet stream cirrus and suface front are linked by the thermal wind. The cirrostratus arranged in gravity waves was overhead and must have been in the left exit of the upper jet. The jet core was further to the west which was where it should have been.

I explained all of this meteorology to the group over lunch. Not sure if they followed the logic but I tried while drawing graphics in the sand with a stick. Wet sand works best for these graphics.
 For this and much more art...

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