Saturday, October 12, 2019

#2278 "Barriefield Boathouse Door"

Let's have some fun! This was Day One of the International Plein Air Painters (IPAP) Paint Out affiliated with the Kingston School of Art 2019. The Kingston event is locally called "Paint the Town". I naturally gravitated toward the waterfront. That is where I spent most of my time for the 2019 plein air event. That is also where I painted when the Paint the Town Kingston event was held in Barriefield in 2015. I had the oils flying on to the canvas by 10:15 am. I was delayed by some equipment failures on the solar microFIT.
Hurricane Dorian was also chewing up the east coast of North America.

This view is from the edge of Green Bay Road (Number 223 Green Bay Road) looking toward the old front door of a boathouse that had a lot of character. I liked the way the shadows of the willow leaves played across the sunlit side of the boathouse. It looked as though it had not been used much in recent years but in its day, it would have seen a lot of activity. This part of the Cataraqui River is called "Green Bay". The water levels were significantly higher than in 2015 and the shoreline structures had been damaged.

For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.
 For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.

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#2925 "Winter Male Cardinal in the Forest"

#2925 "Winter Male Cardinal in the Forest"  16x20 Oils on stretched canvas Started at 10:30 am Saturday, February 15th, 2025 I was...