Monday, January 15, 2018

#0602 "Shimmer"

From Tuesday, November 19, 2002...
This is the view looking southeast from The Executive Condominium on Water Street in Brockville, Ontario. The mighty St Lawrence rolls along just in front of the building. The sun had just come up and we can barely identify two of the three sister islands that identify the St Lawrence and the main shipping channel. The water was shimmering under the early morning light.

There was supposed to be a bridge connecting Brockville to the United States across the river at this point. The islands certainly would have made the construction easier and safer. Apparently someone with power and money nixed the idea. I must admit that I love the view without the bridge...
This sketch was painted on a smooth and slippery panel that had been tinted with a medium-dark coat of raw sienna.
 Click to go to Chadwick Art... Thank you!

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