Wednesday, March 21, 2018

#0344 "Cumulative Evedence!"

From the fall of 1992...

A very puny title ... I'll explain... The main subject, the stratocumulus cloud deck, had some embedded cumulus which clearly indicated that the air mass in the lower levels was quite unstable but not unstable enough through a sufficient depth to produce showers. The deck of altocumulus on the northwestern horizon, was very probably associated with a disturbance in the upper atmosphere. Meteorologists call these short waves. The vertical stacking of these two features was the cumulative evidence available this particular evening to predict unsettled conditions overnight and the high probability of a shower.
As I remember, that was exactly what happened... isn't science wonderful! This meteorology was observed by Keith and I as we walked in the Dufferin Marsh, Schomberg in the fall of 1992. The view is toward the north-northwest across the ShurGain Grain Elevator, Bishop's Mill.
This painting was used as the official 2003 Environment Canada Christmas card when we used to do such things.
 For this and other paintings... thank you!

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