Sunday, April 29, 2018

#0294 "The Way Home"

From 1990...

How many trees have signs like this plastered up and down their trunk? I think in cottage country there is one for each lane access to a lake.
This is the "cottage tree" on the Clear Lake Road during the summer of 1990. Unfortunately there were no signs with my name on it. Maybe some day. My wife wanted to call this painting "P.C. Call Home" after the movie with a similar title. Notice how I signed the painting with my name on one of the waterfront properties anyway. It may happen some day... My Dad is up there as well. It is called artistic license.

I recently checked on this particular tree which is just 2 kilometres northeast of the Opinicon at Chaffeys Locks. It was still there as of 2017. For sure the tree and signs were older. I did not have the painting with me so I could not be certain on just what the changes might have been. There are probably new signs replacing some of those from owners who have moved on. I hope the tree has not suffered from all of the nails.
 For this and much more art...

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