Friday, March 15, 2019

#0364 "Chesapeake"

The family Chesapeake as a puppy during the summer of 1993 when we were busy renovating the abandoned farm house on the 12th Concession of King Township. The tunes were on KISS radio and played loud when it was still a country format. The Chesapeake would have the free run of Watershed Farm. The big paws on the puppy revealed that she would grow into a much larger adult.

She was smart and learned fast. The Chesapeake could tell where I was headed by the clothes I was wearing. She would go painting with me and was eager to go along any walk in the woods. She never went to the Weather Centre with me though and she could tell if I was not wearing my play clothes. She protected me from skunks, possums and all sorts of other critters. Like every NHL player, she lost some front teeth playing hockey on the pond.

I used to save cardboard boxes for projects - waste not... want not. The Chesapeake had a special dislike of cardboard boxes perhaps relating to her living quarters during her first week or so with us. I would often find these boxes shredded to bits on the front hill - her revenge I guess.
Only green tennis balls would do...
The Chesapeake was a gift from my Brother to his only Nephew. She grew into a cherished member of the family and provided hours of entertainment. We will always miss her as pets cannot live for ever except in your memory.

For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you!
 For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you!

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#2925 "Winter Male Cardinal in the Forest"

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