Wednesday, November 13, 2019

#2290 "Canine Cove Rock Man"

The warm sector of the September storm was still entrenched over Parry Island that afternoon. Temperatures were in the low twenties and the swimming was great. The thick morning fog bank had lifted with the weak cold front of the September weather pattern. Sunny skies dominated with the following ridge of high pressure. Looking closely over the Georgian Bay horizon, one could see the deformation zone of the next September storm.

I set my easel up on the end of the dock of of Canine Cove Cabin. The pattern of trees caught my eye. Some soft maples were already starting to turn red.

I had to include The Rock Man for a couple of reasons. The first was because the figure was so unusual and needed to be documented. The large granite blocks made him a rocky pillar of the Canine Cove society. The second reason was because my friend loved his music as much as I do. Folk and rock beginning from the 1950's onward was all fair game. My friend liked the same artists that I do especially Harry Chapin. He loved to listen to his music from vinyl long, playing LP's. The sound actually has a warmth and a tone to it that might be missing in compact discs. Even long playing only have 20 to 30 minutes of music per side but that half hour was filled with great and loud music.

My friend would sing three Harry Chapin songs in their entirety in order to time how long he would swim. He knew every word to the lyrics. The songs were "Cats in the Cradel", "Taxi" and "All My Life's a Circle". Harry Forster Chapin (December 7, 1942 – July 16, 1981) died way too young in 1981 at the age of 39. Harry's life was a circle too.

For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.

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