Thursday, October 29, 2020

#2402 "Making Maritime Memories"

The story here is a man and a child who were presumably father and son out on a trip to Peggy's Cove in the pick-up truck. There was no indication of any female participating in this "Guy's Day Out" on a very foggy day. The thick advection fog was really thick and just offshore. 

I remember at the time not wanting to include any people in my paintings as I did not have the opportunity to ask permissions and they were not the intended subjects anyway. Decades later as I rekindle this memory, it is the unknown story behind the two guys who are the subject of this painting. The faces are not even clear in the supporting photographs. In the painting they are just included as a few very careful brush strokes. The little boy would be close to 45 years old today. I hoped it all worked out well but one will never know. 

This was when one could still go into the DeGarthe Studio and stand on the balcony at the rear. I vaguely recall that William was not there that day and I was not aware that he was really ill at the time. He had suffered a heart attack in 1979 and was diagnosed with cancer in 1982 about the time this picture was probably taken. He died in a Toronto hospital on February 13, 1983 - William E. deGarthe William deGarthe (1907–1983) . I once watched deGarthe at work on his granite sculpture. I did not take his picture while he was doing that out of respect for the artist. We spoke about art several times. Art is a way of life and a journey at the same time. The destination of the art and your life is never certain but one does their best along the way. 

For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.

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#2924 "Winter Robin"

#2924 "Winter Robin" 20 X 16 oils on stretched canvas.  Started at 11:00 am Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 This is another image t...