Saturday, November 14, 2020

#2410 "Archipelago Safe Harbour"

This interesting point of land is part of just one of the 30,000 islands that make up the Parry Sound Archipelago. A sailboat had found a protected shore to drop anchor. A weather phenomenon often referred to as a "Sting Jet" happens maybe once a year in late summer or early fall off Georgian Bay. A developing low pressure area and the unstable conditions over the warm waters of Georgian Bay can suddenly generate 100 kmh winds. 

The sailors on the boat had good cause to seek a safe place out of harm's way. The rock was photographed at 10 am Tuesday August 18th, 2020 looking eastward from very near N45.264368 W80.209199. I had been in front of that rock face the previous September. There would have been no way to set up my plein air easel without being way over my head. 

This is another of those rock, lake and trees painting that are characteristic of Canada. I abbreviate this genre of art as Ro-Lak-Tree which reminds me of the rock, paper and scissors game called Ro-sham-bo. The rocks, lakes and trees is a slight of hand game played with a brush loaded with oil paint. Everybody wins as long as nature is appreciated and protected. Ro-Lak-Tree (a name I made up) is a nature stewardship game that the Group of Seven invented while they were searching for the Canadian identity around the time of the 1918 Flu Pandemic. History does repeat itself. People have not really changed in the past hundred years which saw the inventions of the computer, the world-wide-web and space travel.... 

For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.

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#2923 "Tuppence a Bag"

#2923 "Tuppence a Bag"  14x20 inches oils on a cradled smooth mahogany panel. Started February 10th, 2025   A " tuppence ...