Thursday, November 19, 2020

#2414 "Royal Military College from Battery Park"

This was the first day of the 2020 International Plein Air Painters (IPAP) Worldwide Paint Out. The International Plein Air Painters is a blanket organization created for the sole purpose of advancing the execution and enjoyment of plein air painting without the restrictions and limitations of borders or regions. I am a Charter and a Signature member dating from the fall of 2001. The horrific events of September 11th, 2001 prompted the creation of IPAP. Art is a universal language and we all benefit. The world needed the strong and positive response of art created outside and surrounded by nature. 

This is a view of the Royal Military College (RMC) of Canada looking eastward from Battery Park. I set up my easel on the edge of the breakwater. Battery Park was really busy with joggers and walker of all ages. Some people had on masks like myself but most did not. I overheard comments about the artist and how unusual that was. My parents wanted me to attend RMC when I graduated from BCIVS in the spring of 1972. I was accepted at both Queens and RMC but it think the Lillian Taylor Scholarship tipped the scales to Queens. I would have enjoyed taking both paths but you can only ride one horse at a time. This is really a skyscape disguised as a city scape. I take the weather with me wherever I go or perhaps the clouds just come along for the ride. 

The tour boat crossed my line of sight while I painted so I brushed it in. 

For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.

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#2923 "Tuppence a Bag"

#2923 "Tuppence a Bag"  14x20 inches oils on a cradled smooth mahogany panel. Started February 10th, 2025   A " tuppence ...