Sunday, July 25, 2021

#2521 "Singleton Sunrise Morning Cloud"

This deformation zone reminded me of Tom Thomson's "Morning Cloud". The weather situation was very different though. 

In Tom's case, the rain storm was exiting his campsite and he was painting looking toward the sunrise that was hidden behind the cloud. In my situation, the much needed rain storm was on its way and I had the sun on my back. 

Southern Ontario had been in a drought situation for several weeks. Everything was dry and the approaching rain was welcomed. The front lit bands of deformation zone cloud were curled by the anticyclonic companion winds of the warm conveyor belt. This storm was approaching from the southwest so the cyclonic companion with all of the rain would still eventually sweep across the district with its allotment of liquid. The Coriolis Hand, your right hand in the Northern Hemisphere, makes the comprehension of weather that much easier. I explained the use of the Coriolis Hand again in "Dancing with the Weather". 

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#2921 "Red-breasted Woodpecker Friend"

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