Thursday, November 3, 2022

#2704 "Heritage Sugar Maple"

#2704 "Heritage Sugar Maple"
14x18 inches oils

This maple was in its last decade or so. The woodpeckers were opening up some holes in search of the bugs that were certainly invading the tree. One very large tree limb was on the ground where it possibly fell due to the 1998 Ice Storm and as I had painted previously. This Singleton Sugar Maple was likely at least a good-sized tree for the War of 1812. Size is not always related to age though. Cedars on the Niagara Escarpment are 2000 years old (measured to be 1890 years old in 2014) and have circumferences that measure just a few inches. Life like art, is not a competition and I am just happy that both old trees are still alive. 

This maple has a circumference of 135 inches (11.25 feet) at 36 inches above the ground. Simple math gives the diameter of this tree of about 43 inches. The Comfort Sugar Maple tree has a 20-foot circumference at the base which is larger than the 11.25 feet circumference of the Singleton Maple which I measured a bit higher. The Comfort Sugar Maple near North Pelham, Niagara Region, was a sprout when Columbus navigated to the New World in 1492. 

#2454 "Singleton Sugar Maple"
8x10 Plein Air Oil 

I have painted this mighty sugar maple before in #2646 "Singleton Sugar Maple Matriarch", #2454 "Singleton Sugar Maple" and #2471 "Pioneer Sugar Maple"

For this and much more art, click on Pixels.

Warmest regards and keep your paddle in the water,

Phil Chadwick

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