This was late afternoon of the second day of the Paint the Town Kingston in association with the International Plein Air Painters World Wide Paint Out. I strolled in the main yard of the Kingston Marina. I asked Robert who seemed to be in charge of operations if I could paint from the dock. He was very obliging so I did so.
The old tugboat across the small bay did not display any visible name. I asked but no one seemed to know the story behind this particular tug. It needed some work but it certainly still floated. A couple of ladies strolled by and asked if I painted mermaids... I can't make this stuff up. There were some buildings and another boat in behind the old tugboat but a sudden fog came in and removed them from the composition... The other structures did not add to the painting so they got removed. I am just making the sudden fog story up. It was a fair weather cumulus September afternoon and any type of fog was a meteorological impossibility.

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