Wednesday, May 23, 2018

#0008 "Snake Charmer"

Step number 8 was a very short one from Waypoint 7...
This pungi player was painted from a sculpture created by Mario Airomi. Mario did not sculpt the snake that the man was supposedly charming out of a wicker basket. I had to research what the name of the clarinet looking instrument might be. Apparently it is a wind instrument made from a dried bottle gourd. Mario was also a master at sculpture.

This was my second oil painting and I was still practicing. I will be always practicing. Painting is all about learning about your materials and you can only do that through trial and error and lots of it. Mario felt it was time for me to move on from charcoal sticks and paper. Even though the palette was very limited there are scores of tones and colours in the clay.

I would have just turned 17 and was in Grade Eleven at the Brockville Collegiate and Vocational School - BCIVS. On the side I was cutting grass all around Brockville and wearing out the lawn mowers that my Dad purchased. I had ten to fifteen clients and the grass business was growing.
 For this and much more art...

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#2915 "Osprey Overlook Outbounders"

#2915 "Osprey Overlook Outbounders"  14x11 inches oils on canvas Started January 21st, 2025 in the Singleton Studio. These photos ...