Tuesday, October 2, 2018

#2136 "Agawa Cloudy Sunrise"

I was up at 6 am after a great sleep in the Car Tent. Sleeping under the back hatch certainly does get you off the ground but the support stops at the back of the car. It was comfortable and nice. I was ready and refreshed for another day of painting.

I took two rough 5 by 7 rough panels down the the Superior shore and Agawa Beach. The occasional wave threatened to get my feet wet. The morning light was fleeting for sure. This was the first rough panel. The Huntsville artists were not yet up so I painted quietly watching for any activity over my shoulder. I guess I am a morning person. I fade early in the evening. Sometimes I fade in the afternoon.

This view was looking northerly along the shore and the point where the Agawa River drains into Agawa Bay. There is a small and very characteristic island just off the beach of Agawa Bay Campground. These are the same islands that I painted in #2134 "Gitchi-gami Agawa Coast". The winds were still very strong and created interesting clouds in this skyscape. The streets of turbulent stratocumulus were starting to spread apart under the influence of the June sun. Sinclair Cove where I spent a lot of time was just to the north and around the corner to the east.

I was picking up camp that day and planned to be home sometime on Wednesday. I planned to just poke along with no schedule.
 For this and much more art...

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#2925 "Winter Male Cardinal in the Forest"

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