Tuesday, November 27, 2018

#2181 "Albert Street Dorms"

This was the second morning of Paint the Town 2018. The town was Kingston and the event was part of the International Plein Air Painters (IPAP) Worldwide Paint Out held for three days, Friday through Sunday in early September every year since 2001. IPAP was founded in 2001 with the belief that plein air painters should have an organization with no regional ties and no border restrictions - artists without borders. I am happy to be a Charter and Signature (Honours) Member and I don't belong to much.

We were painting in the Williamsville District of Kingston. I do not normally paint homes. There was ample parking available on Saturday so I went to Victoria Park. I would spend the entire day there mainly painting from the western edges of the park.

This house was a dorm for goodness knows how many Queens University students. People were coming and going all morning and not dressed that much different from the way I looking in 1972. No one looked my way or said hello. I just painted. The shadow of the telephone pole moved like a sundial across the red brick of what was once a proud and prestigious family home. That home needed some loving care in 2018. I moved my 2004 red Forester into the painting instead of the white car that was there. A lady came out of the house and drove that white car away.

For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.
 For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.


  1. I know this looked like Kingston even before I read your blog. Quaint part of the village it is.

    1. Thank you so much Cheryl. Yes Kingston is quite distinctive :>) A couple more to come.


#2925 "Winter Male Cardinal in the Forest"

#2925 "Winter Male Cardinal in the Forest"  16x20 Oils on stretched canvas Started at 10:30 am Saturday, February 15th, 2025 I was...