Friday, May 24, 2019

#0442 "Swift falls the Night"

A familiar campsite scene ... a group of canoeists enjoying some stories around a campsite miles from everything including Why-Fi. No doubt that some of the stories are actually true. I always liked to tell the Tom Thomson stories or get into climate change or the interesting nature around us. I was not making that stuff up and tired hard to get my facts accurate. The climate change stories were the scariest. These scenes are what really quality memories are made of. They burn into your brain and are always there to fall back on when needed. I do not enjoy getting needles or going to the dentist so instead I go to my happy place in my mind.

The scene was used in a Swift Canoe Catalogue and I was inspired by it with their permission (Bill Swift). I wanted to incorporate the Swift name somewhere in the title and we all know how quickly it gets dark in the woods.

I have my share of Swift canoes and kayaks. I have been told that I have enough but we all know that the canoeist who dies with the most canoes, wins. You don't actually win anything of course.

For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.
 For this and much more art, click on Pixels. Thank you.

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