Saturday, September 24, 2022

#2688 "Sunset Anvils July 2022"

#2688 "Sunset Anvils July 2022"
11x14 inches oils

It had been a very unstable day with more than a couple of inches of convective rainfall. More showers were on the way. 
Water Vapour Imagery Showing the Cold  Frontal Structure

The Cumulonimbus was north of Napanee
The top of the flanking line associated with the thunderstorm was just peeking above the dark band of cloud that stretched across the horizon. The anvil of the multi-cell thunderstorm developed ever higher as I watched and stretched far to the east with the strong upper winds. That line of dark cloud was most certainly the surface cold front. 

Gravity waves in the cirrostratus near the tropopause revealed the westerly winds that were also guiding the anvil of the thunderstorm. Weather is always intriguing and the clouds always have a story to tell. . 

I liked the grey colours in the anvil so I decided to record it in oils the next day.

For this and much more art, click on Pixels.

Warmest regards and keep your paddle in the water,

Phil Chadwick


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