Saturday, November 18, 2023

#2826 "September Sunday Drizzle with Sunflowers"

#2826 "September Sunday Drizzle with Sunflowers"
7x5 inches oils on canvas panel

This time after completing #2825 "Sunday Morning Drizzle and Sunflowers" I just stayed in the same place to record the large sunflower bloom that hung down with the weight of the hundreds of seeds. Each sunflower head can contain as many as 1,000 to 2,000 seeds. I would have preferred looking up into the flower but the plant was too short or I was too tall. So I simply painted what I saw looking almost down at the giant flower head. 

The skies were still overcast with drizzle. We received only 3.4 millimetres overnight from this weather event and the lake levels were low.

The squirrels left their footprints all over the bags
of prime soil after they found and ate the
hickory nuts I had planted there. 
The scurry of squirrels was busy eating, burying and digging up hickory nuts. They even found my bags of top-grade soil in which I had cut small openings through which I planted prime, healthy-looking shagbark hickory nuts. The squirrels found and ate these too. I would have to protect these bags with my turtle guards and replant. The goal was to have vibrant, healthy shagbark hickory sprouts to transplant in the forest in the spring. 

After I left the scene, a flock of little chipping sparrows swooped and appeared to find much to forage on. 

This was the final panel for the 2023 edition of the Annual IPAP Worldwide Paint Out.

For this and much more art, click on Pixels or here to go straight to the Flower Collection.

Warmest regards and keep your paddle in the water,

Phil Chadwick 

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#2925 "Winter Male Cardinal in the Forest"

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